Frequently ASKED Questions

Stop & Grow treatment in the hairdressing studio

1. Does Stop&Grow have any side effects?

Hairdreams Stop&Grow has no known side effects. Its safety was tested in a study by the Dermatest Institute in Münster, and the results were assessed as “Excellent”.

Contrary to prescription-only drugs against hair loss (e.g. Finasterid), which can often have serious side effects, Hairdreams Stop&Grow is a cosmetic product whose ingredients are all strictly regulated. Therefore, no relevant side effects should be expected under normal circumstances.

This does not preclude that there may be isolated cases of allergic reactions, just as there are with any other cosmetic products. Individuals with known allergies are most frequently affected, but they can learn about any potential problems by reading the list of ingredients before use. If in doubt, we recommend doing an allergy test first.

2. When should a hair loss treatment be started?

Generally it is wise to start treatment as early as possible. In the early stages, when the first signs of increased hair loss appear, consistent use of Hairdreams Stop&Grow can maintain the full original hair volume. The longer you wait  and let your hair loss progress, the greater the proportion of hair roots that completely die off after a prolonged resting phase and can’t be reactivated any longer.

Therefore the rule is: “The earlier the better!”  

3. Can Stop&Grow be used as a preventative measure?

It can be effective if used as a preventative treatment. This is especially true if you are genetically predisposed to experience hair loss in the future, such as if your parents or siblings are suffering from increased hair loss. Individuals with full, but very fine and limp hair can benefit from Stop&Grow to give their hair more strength and volume.

4. Are there any immediate solutions for hair loss?

Hairdreams Stop&Grow provides outstanding results for the treatment of hair loss. But even the best hair growth products take some time for the effects to be fully visible. For those who don’t want to wait that long, Hairdreams Volume+ products for hair thickening are the optimal solution.

The client’s own hair is simply supplemented with high-grade real human hair. Depending on the client’s hair condition and desired hair style, there are several patented options to provide an optimal result. The integration is gentle, and the results look natural and indistinguishable from the client’s own hair. In only 2 hours your Hairdreams expert can give you the volume you have always wanted. For more information about Hairdreams Volume+ go to

5. How can a hair dresser help with hair loss?

The currently most widely used substance to promote hair growth is Minoxidil. Minoxidil was originally developed to lower blood pressure and it is not exactly known how it helps against hair loss. It is approved as an externally applied hair growth product because it has shown to increase hair growth as a side effect in high blood pressure patients.

Minoxidil can increase hair growth and does work in many cases. The results are best if only small areas of the scalp are affected and if the hair loss problem is relatively recent.

6. Are there any myths about hair loss?

We all know horror stories and urban legends about what triggers hair loss, and how one can achieve magical hair growth and end up with luscious lengths like Rapunzel. There are so many “hairy” rumors and myths that it is often hard to distinguish fact from fiction. We are exposing and refuting some of the most widely believed hair myths:

Cutting your hair makes it grow faster
If only it was that easy. Cutting your hair certainly does not make it grow any faster. Your hair’s growth cycles don’t change in response to a hair cut. Getting regular hair cuts is still a good thing though – it gives you healthier ends, and makes your hair look longer.

Shaving your head makes the hair grow back thicker
This hair myth applies not only to the hair on your head, but on the rest of your body as well. However, the illusion of thicker hair stems only from the fact that the newly cut edges of the hairs are thicker than the natural ends were before. As soon as the hair grow back to the original length, they will no longer be any thicker than before they were shaved.

You got your bald head from your mother
Hair loss can certainly have genetic causes. However, the genetic predisposition does not only come from the mother. Hair loss is always a polygenetic process, meaning that several genes are responsible for it. And these genes come from both parents. The more family members suffer from hair loss, the higher the risk that you will be affected by it one day yourself.

Wearing hats can cause hair loss
Does our scalp suffocate under a hat? As long as the hat is not so extremely tight that it blocks the circulation of blood to your hair follicles, wearing one will not affect hair loss at all. You would be alerted by headaches if your hat was that tight. Scarves, head bands, hats or caps pose no risk and if put on correctly can even be used to stylishly cover up hair loss.

Brushing your hair increases hair growth
Brushing one’s hair 100 times a day and looking like Rapunzel as a result is a myth that has stubbornly persisted for decades. Unfortunately brushing does not stimulate hair growth. Quite the opposite is true: If you brush your hair too often, especially when it is wet, then it can split and break. It is best to use a wide-tooth comb on wet hair. Dry hair should be brushed with a flat, bristly brush.

Washing your hair every day increases hair loss
It is a fact that  frequent washing can damage the hair shaft, just as excessive use of certain hair products does. However, the hair follicles do not get damaged from washing your hair too often. It is better to wash your hair every other day rather than every day, but hair loss itself is not influenced by the frequency of washing.

Blow drying your hair causes hair loss
Blow dryers, flat irons and curling irons can lead to structural damage such as breakage or split ends. The hair looks dry and dull as a result. However, blow drying alone does not cause hair loss, since the hair follicles are not damaged in the process as long as no extreme heat is directly applied to the scalp.

Vitamin deficiencies cause hair loss
This myth is partially true. Well nourished and healthy people can suffer from hair loss as well, but poor diet, unhealthy habits and certain vitamin deficiencies can certainly exacerbate the problem. Biotin as well as other B-vitamins, vitamin E, C and calcium all have a positive impact on the hair. A healthy, vitamin-rich diet containing a lot of whole grain products, fruits, vegetables and unsaturated fats contributes to a healthy body and thus healthy hair as well.

Hard, calciferous water triggers hair loss
Hard water contains elevated levels of magnesium and calcium. However, there are no studies that show a link between hair loss and calciferous water. The difference is mainly in how the hair feels, but hard water has no effect on either hair loss or hair growth.

7. What is genetic hair loss?

Our genes don’t only contain the key to the color of our eyes and hair, but they also control our predisposition for hair loss. Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA) is primarily influenced by hormones and the genetic predisposition of each individual.

Does genetic hair loss affect men only?

Unfortunately this is a wide spread misconception. Although 95% of male hair loss is caused by Androgenetic Alopecia, more and more women are suffering from the same condition. As a matter of fact, it is the most common cause for hair loss in women. Three out of 100 women between the ages of 20 and 29 notice significant thinning around their middle hair part.

Increasing age and hormonal fluctuations, such as those caused by pregnancy and menopause, amplify genetic hair loss. 17 percent of all women who are between 40 and 49 years old, and who are suffering from hair loss are diagnosed with Androgenetic Alopecia. After the age of 60, it affects one in four women.

The difference is that it usually does not lead to complete baldness in women. The hair slowly gets less and less dense, especially around the middle hair part and forehead, but only rarely falls out completely and all over the head. The perpetrators are male hormones called Androgens. If a woman is predisposed for hair loss, then even the normal levels of Androgen produced by the ovaries and the adrenal glands are enough to trigger androgenetic hair loss.

Androgens have a strong influence on the hair follicles, which are responsible for hair production. The follicles get smaller since the blood vessels, which supply the follicles with important nutrients, degenerate. This disrupts hair growth and the related hair growth cycles. The hair falls out faster, the follicles get smaller, and the hairs that grow back are smaller and weaker as a result. This goes on until finally the hair falls out completely.

Once this point has been reached, the process can not be reversed anymore – not even with the help of prescription medication. The hair continues to get thinner and sparser.

8. What are the different types of hair loss?

GENETIC HAIR LOSS: the most common cause of hair loss – Click here to read more.

DIFFUSED HAIR LOSS: diffused hair loss usually starts with receding hairline . After that, the hair often suddenly gets thinner all over the head. This is why diffused alopecia often doesn’t get recognized until it is too late. More hair falls out than usual. The hair can be pulled out easily, and you may find a higher than usual quantity in your hair brush, shower drain, or on your pillow.

This is actually often a “cry for help” from your body. A reaction to stress, illness or malnutrition, which can be triggered by a single past event (e.g. infection, end of pregnancy) or a chronic one (stress, depression).

CIRCULAR HAIR LOSS: one of the most common types of hair loss leads to sudden and seemingly unfounded circular bald spots on the head or any other part of the body. The reason are processes that are happening within the body, which attack the hair roots. Luckily the hair roots are generally not permanently damaged and are able to produce new hair.

Alopecia Areata (AA): is an inflammatory hair disease. The body’s own immune defense cells, T-Lymphocytes, surround the hair roots during their growth cycle. The cells fight against a specific antigen, and this causes the hair to fall out prematurely.

HORMONAL HAIR LOSS: hormonal hair loss due to pregnancy, menopause and the hormonal fluctuations that come with it often deeply affects the women suffering from it. The ensuing psychological stress must not be underestimated. However, in many cases these women can be helped.

The female body goes through numerous changes as a result of the birth of a child or the hormonal adjustments that are a normal part of menopause. These hormonal changes can often lead to severe, yet temporary, hair loss.

The medical term for increased hair loss during or after pregnancy is called telogen effluvium, or diffused hair loss. This type of hair loss occurs rather frequently, and the lost hair usually grows back at some Point.

ALOPECIA UNIVERSALIS AND TOTALIS: When circular hair loss spreads across the entire head and leads to complete baldness, it is referred to as Alopecia Totalis. In extreme cases all of the hair on the entire body falls out, which is known as Alopecia Universalis. This condition is difficult to deal with, but unterstanding it is the first step in the right direction.

Alopecia Totalis and Universalis are caused by an autoimmune reaction of the body. A healthy immune system fights against viruses, bacteria and parasites. However, in some cases the immune system mistakenly attacks the body it is supposed to protect as a result of an autoimmune dysfunction. With Alopecia Totalis all hair follicles on the head are attacked by the body’s own immune system, which leads to infection. The infection in turn leads to dysfunctional hair growth and finally to complete baldness, even if the rest of the body remains healthy.

MECHANICAL ALOPECIA: When the hair falls out due to too much tension stemming from too-tight hair styles that continuously pull on the hair, it is referred to as mechanical alopecia. However, this can be prevented. Many people damage their hair by wearing styles that create too much tension at the root level. Not only African-American individuals wearing their hair in braids or corn rows are affected by this. Ponytails or buns that are too tight can have the same effect and lead to diffused hair loss. In the worst cases, the roots may even be ripped out and the hair follicles severely traumatized. This often leads to inflammation of the scalp, which manifests itself with red bumps or scabs. The hair gets especially thin right where it has been tied together or braided.

If mechanical Alopecia is recognized and treated early enough it can heal completely and all the hair may grow back. But in the advanced stage the hair follicles may already be too damaged for hair growth to return to normal.

SCARRING ALOPECIA: Scarring Alopecia, also called Alopecia Cicatriciel, leaves traces wherever the hair falls out. The cause is a group of diseases, which leaves visible scars on the scalp and often results in permanent hair loss. It is rather rare – only about 3% of all cases of Alopecia are Scarring Alopecia. Both men and women can get it. In this case, the destroyed hair follicle is replaced by scar tissue.

TRICHOTILLOMANIA: One in fifty people over the age of 12 experiences a strong urge to pull out his or her own hair. This condition is called Trichotillomania and can affect any part of the body that has hair on it. The result: bald spots and alarming hair loss. The reason for this behavior is not yet completely understood, and does not necessarily have anything to do with an individual’s current mental state.

TRICHODYNIA (HAIR PAIN): Many individuals who are suffering from androgenetic or diffused hair loss also experience strange and uncomfortable sensations on their scalp such as tingling, burning, painful hair roots or itching. Affected individuals are often completely alone with their problem and don’t know who to turn to.

In some cases hair loss is accompanied by an inexplicable pain in the scalp. The severity varies, but it is generally considered to be very bothersome. The medical term for this condition is Trichodynia (greek: trichos = hair, dynê = pain), a phenomenon that affects both men and women and is often not taken seriously by doctors. It is largely unknown outside of the field of dermatology, even though approx. 34% of all patients who seek medical help for hair issues suffer from this condition.

Possible causes are previous inflammation of the scalp as well as stress, which can be intensified by hair loss, and the resulting excessive tension of the muscles in the head, neck and jaw. Tension headaches have been observed as well.

HAIR TEXTURE DAMAGE: Excessive styling and use of heat puts stress on the hair and and often damages it. In the worst case it can even lead to hair loss.

Many women love styling their hair in different ways all the time. But what is supposed to make them look great, may in extreme cases lead to the hair breaking off or falling out. The causes are mechanical factors such as excessive brushing, teasing, tight braiding or using rubber bands to tie the hair.

Chemical treatments such as coloring, perming or bleaching, or even very frequent washing can lead to damage. Excessive heat treatments with blow dryers, hot rollers, flat irons, or even too much sun and UV rays should be avoided.

9. What are the causes of genetic hair loss?

Androgenetic Alopecia is caused by a complicated interaction of several hereditary factors. The genetic traits, which are passed on to children from their father and mother, are polygenetic in nature. This means that several genes are involved. The largest role is played by a hereditary intolerance for the steroid hormone Dihydrotestosterone, or DHT for short. DHT forms when the enzyme 5-Alpha-Reductase metabolizes Testosterone. Testosterone can mainly be found in men, but is also present at lower levels in women’s ovaries and adrenal glands.

Hormones & genes are the culprits
DHT has a significant influence on the development of the male fetus and is responsible for turning boys into men. As previously mentioned, hypersensitivity to DHT shortens the growth/anagen phase of the hair and causes the hair to fall out prematurely. DHT attaches itself to the hair follicle’s receptors, causing hair loss. Each new hair grows smaller and finer than the previous one until only vestigial hairs are left. The result are hairs that are tiny, fine and thin.

In women another factor comes into play as well: Decreased activity of the enzyme Aromatase, which converts Androgen to Estrogen and which is mainly present in the forehead area. This leads to a surplus of Androgen.